Inscription 89379561
- parents
- id
- 821d1954aaeb82edbb7a95e10d5686e1a2f82e5fdf7098a211e345042ed8421ci0
- metadata
- title
- Pi Skull
- artist
- PurpleSkull
- format
- description
- A fusion of π and skull imagery.
- pi_digits
- 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164
- message
- What's Pi backwards?
- address
- bc1pu8xmvnc5g6su6cuk3fuk9mtmtylv3afu3979uuqaygmnqtsy27dqxqn375
- value
- 546
- sat
- 1980809351989622
- sat name
- uxsujrlyjr
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 4860 bytes
- content type
- image/gif
- timestamp
- height
- 887788
- fee
- 4557
- reveal transaction
- 821d1954aaeb82edbb7a95e10d5686e1a2f82e5fdf7098a211e345042ed8421c
- location
- 821d1954aaeb82edbb7a95e10d5686e1a2f82e5fdf7098a211e345042ed8421c:1:0
- output
- 821d1954aaeb82edbb7a95e10d5686e1a2f82e5fdf7098a211e345042ed8421c:1
- offset
- 0
- details
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x60df72771B3973ea3330C01Aed0A6C8E48165F2C